이규찬 이 름 김선태
학 과 의공학
직위 교수(겸무)
세부전공분야 이비인후과학/의공학
학력사항 고려대학교 의과대학 졸업 (1988)
고려대학교 의과대학 석사 (1996)
고려대학교 의과대학 박사 (1999)
자격취득 의사자격 (1988)
이비인후과 전문의 취득 (1993)
경력사항 가천의료기기융합센터 센터장 (2015-현재)
가천의생명융합연구원 산학협력단장 (2014-2017)
가천의생명융합연구원 연구부장 (2012-2014)
가천대학교 길병원 이비인후과 주임 교수 및 과장 (2009-2012)
가천대학교 의학전문대학원 교무부장 (2008-2012)
가천의과학대학 길병원 교수 (2007-현재)
Universiy of California, Postdoc Research Fellow, Pulmonalogy
Sanfrancisco (2002-2004)
가천의대 길병원 부교수 (2001-2006)
가천의대 길병원 조교수 (1999-2001)
중앙길병원 이비인후과 과장 (1995-1999)
공군군의관 (1992-1995)
고려대학교부속 구로병원 이비인후과 레지던트 (1989-1992)
고려대학교부속 구로병원 인턴 (1988-1989)
연구업적/특허 1. Kim ST, Jung JH, Kang IG. Is Surgical Navigation Useful During Closed Reduction of Nasal Bone Fractures? J Craniofac Surg. 2017 Jan 31.
2. Kim YH, Ko KP, Kang IG, Jung JH, Oh DK, Jang TY, Kim ST. Low Concentration PM10 Had No Effect on Nasal Symptoms and Flow in Allergic Rhinitis Patients. Clin Exp Otorhinolaryngol. 2016 Dec 2.
3. Kang IG, Kim ST, Lee SH, Baek MK. Failed septal extension graft in a patient with a history of radiotherapy. Maxillofac Plast Reconstr Surg. 2016 Oct 25;38(1):40.
4. Jung JH, Kang IG, Kim ST. Comparison of Component-Resolved Diagnosis by Using Allergen Microarray With the Conventional Tests in Allergic Rhinitis Patients: The First Using in Korea. Clin Exp Otorhinolaryngol. 2015 Dec;8(4):385-9
5. Kim ST. Outcome of sublingual immunotherapy in patients with allergic rhinitis sensitive to house dust mites. Allergy Asthma Immunol Res. 2015 Mar;7(2):99-100
6. Jung JH, Cha HE, Kang IG, Kim ST. Clinical characteristics of biofilms in patients with chronic rhinosinusitis: a prospective case-control study. Indian J Otolaryngol Head Neck Surg. 2015 Mar;67(1):1-6.
7. Kang IG, Ju YH, Jung JH, Ko KP, Oh DK, Kim JH, Lim DH, Kim YH, Jang TY, Kim ST. The effect of PM10 on allergy symptoms in allergic rhinitis patients during spring season. Int J Environ Res Public Health. 2015 Jan 13;12(1):735-45
8. Kim ST, Sung UH, Jung JH, Paik JY, Woo JH, Cha HE, Kang IG. The effect of maxillary sinus irrigation on early prognostic factors after endoscopic sinus surgery: a preliminary study. Am J Rhinol Allergy. 2013 Sep-Oct;27(5):e158-61.
9. Shin SH, Ye MK, Hwang YJ, Kim ST. The effect of Asian sand dust-activated respiratory epithelial cells on activation and migration of eosinophils. Inhal Toxicol. 2013 Sep;25(11):633-9.
10. Kang IG, Jung JH, Kim ST. The effect of obstructive sleep apnea on DNA damage and oxidative stress. Clin Exp Otorhinolaryngol. 2013 Jun;6(2):68-72
11. Jung JH, Kang IG, Kim DY, Hwang YJ, Kim ST. The effect of Korean red ginseng on allergic inflammation in a murine model of allergic rhinitis. J Ginseng Res. 2013 Apr;37(2):167-75